Books by Holland, Rupert Sargent (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–10
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Sir Thomas Malory 566 downloads
Historic Boyhoods Rupert Sargent Holland 213 downloads
William Penn Rupert Sargent Holland 158 downloads
Lafayette, We Come! Rupert Sargent Holland 146 downloads
Historic Adventures: Tales from American History Rupert Sargent Holland 142 downloads
Historic Girlhoods, Part One Rupert Sargent Holland 140 downloads
Peter Cotterell's Treasure Rupert Sargent Holland 135 downloads
Builders of United Italy Rupert Sargent Holland 130 downloads
Historic Inventions Rupert Sargent Holland 123 downloads
Historic Events of Colonial Days Rupert Sargent Holland 119 downloads
Displaying results 1–10