Books in Germany (sorted by popularity)
Picturesque Germany Anonymous 150 downloads
Germany from the Earliest Period, Volume 4 Wolfgang Menzel 148 downloads
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 12 145 downloads
Mille et un jours en prison à Berlin (French) Henri Béland 143 downloads
Moeurs des anciens Germains (French) Cornelius Tacitus 138 downloads
The Secrets of the German War Office Armgaard Karl Graves 135 downloads
The Merchant of Berlin: An Historical Novel L. Mühlbach 130 downloads
Berlin — Panorama einer Weltstadt (German) Karl Gutzkow 130 downloads
The Land of Deepening Shadow: Germany-at-War D. Thomas Curtin 129 downloads
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 10 128 downloads
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 09 123 downloads
William of Germany Stanley Shaw 119 downloads
The Duel Between France and Germany Charles Sumner 117 downloads
Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 6 115 downloads
Memories: A Story of German Love F. Max Müller 107 downloads
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, 1725-1798. Volume 24: London to Berlin Giacomo Casanova 101 downloads
Plain Words from America: A Letter to a German Professor (1917) Douglas Wilson Johnson 100 downloads
Berlin and Sans-Souci; Or, Frederick the Great and His Friends L. Mühlbach 99 downloads
In the Claws of the German Eagle Albert Rhys Williams 92 downloads