Books in US Civil War (sorted by popularity)
The History of Company A, Second Illinois Cavalry Samuel H. Fletcher and D. H. Fletcher 200 downloads
Quotes and Images from the Writings of Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln 198 downloads
The Lost Despatch Natalie Sumner Lincoln 198 downloads
History of the Confederate Powder Works George Washington Rains 197 downloads
An Echo Of Antietam Edward Bellamy 197 downloads
Fighting for the Right Oliver Optic 197 downloads
The Raid of John Brown at Harper's Ferry as I Saw It Samuel V. Leech 196 downloads
History of the Sixteenth Connecticut Volunteers B. F. Blakeslee 196 downloads
The Monitor and the Merrimac : Both sides of the story John Lorimer Worden, Samuel Dana Greene, H. Ashton Ramsay, and Eugene Winslow Watson 196 downloads
The Struggle for Missouri John McElroy 196 downloads
Three Months in the Southern States, April-June 1863 Sir Arthur James Lyon Fremantle 195 downloads
The Day of the Confederacy: A Chronicle of the Embattled South Nathaniel W. Stephenson 195 downloads
Abraham Lincoln Baron Godfrey Rathbone Benson Charnwood 194 downloads
The Battle of Allatoona, October 5th, 1864 William Ludlow 194 downloads
History of Kershaw's Brigade D. A. Dickert 194 downloads
Si Klegg, Book 4 John McElroy 193 downloads
My Cave Life in Vicksburg, with Letters of Trial and Travel Mary Ann Webster Loughborough 193 downloads
With Lee in Virginia: A Story of the American Civil War G. A. Henty 192 downloads
Reminiscences of two years with the colored troops Joshua M. Addeman 191 downloads
A History of Lumsden's Battery, C.S.A. George Little and James Robert Maxwell 190 downloads
Andersonville: A Story of Rebel Military Prisons — Volume 2 John McElroy 190 downloads
The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War Annie Heloise Abel 189 downloads
The Young Lieutenant; or, The Adventures of an Army Officer Oliver Optic 189 downloads
Civil War Experiences Henry C. Meyer 189 downloads
With Lee in Virginia: A Story of the American Civil War G. A. Henty 188 downloads