Eugene Field, a Study in Heredity and Contradictions — Volume 2
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John Morley
Who Was Who: 5000 B. C. to Date
History of Julius Cæsar, Vol. 2 of 2
Emperor of the French Napoleon III
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The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) Volume I.
Theophilus Cibber
Reminiscences of Tolstoy, by His Son
graf Ilia Lvovich Tolstoi
Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 1 of 3), Essay 1: Robespierre
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Seven Wives and Seven Prisons
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Walter W. Bryant
Memoirs of the Comtesse Du Barry
baron de Etienne-Léon Lamothe-Langon
Frederick Douglass
Charles W. Chesnutt
George Du Maurier, the Satirist of the Victorians
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Memoirs of the Private Life, Return, and Reign of Napoleon in 1815, Vol. I
baron Pierre Alexandre Édouard Fleury de Chaboulon
Saint Augustin
Louis Bertrand
John Jacob Astor
Elbert Hubbard
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Clarence Edgar Johnson
Little Masterpieces of Autobiography: Actors
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The Story of Burnt Njal: The Great Icelandic Tribune, Jurist, and Counsellor
The Life of Froude
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Famous Affinities of History: The Romance of Devotion. Volume 3
Lyndon Orr
The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) Volume V.
Theophilus Cibber
Cardinal Wolsey
M. Creighton
From Farm Boy to Senator
Jr. Horatio Alger