Books in Children's History (sorted by popularity)
The Conquest of New France; A Chronicle of the Colonial Wars George McKinnon Wrong 214 downloads
Beacon Lights of History, Volume 04: Imperial Antiquity John Lord 213 downloads
The Story of the Pony Express Glenn D. Bradley 213 downloads
Washington and His Comrades in Arms: A Chronicle of the War of Independence George McKinnon Wrong 212 downloads
The Hispanic Nations of the New World: A Chronicle of Our Southern Neighbors William R. Shepherd 211 downloads
Abraham Lincoln and the Union: A Chronicle of the Embattled North Nathaniel W. Stephenson 208 downloads
The Canadian Dominion: A Chronicle of Our Northern Neighbor Oscar D. Skelton 208 downloads
Sabbath in Puritan New England Alice Morse Earle 205 downloads
Little Journey to Puerto Rico Marian Minnie George 201 downloads
The Old Merchant Marine: A Chronicle of American Ships and Sailors Ralph Delahaye Paine 197 downloads
Beacon Lights of History, Volume 11: American Founders John Lord 197 downloads
The Day of the Confederacy: A Chronicle of the Embattled South Nathaniel W. Stephenson 195 downloads
The Paths of Inland Commerce; A Chronicle of Trail, Road, and Waterway Archer Butler Hulbert 195 downloads
Young Folks' History of England Charlotte M. Yonge 194 downloads
A Brief History of the United States John Bach McMaster 192 downloads
The Armies of Labor: A Chronicle of the Organized Wage-Earners Samuel Peter Orth 191 downloads
Introductory American History Henry Eldridge Bourne and Elbert Jay Benton 190 downloads
The Anti-Slavery Crusade: A Chronicle of the Gathering Storm Jesse Macy 189 downloads
Ontario Teachers' Manuals: History Ontario. Department of Education 184 downloads
Pioneers of the Old South: A Chronicle of English Colonial Beginnings Mary Johnston 183 downloads
The Children of France Ruth Royce 181 downloads
Beacon Lights of History, Volume 09: European Statesmen John Lord 180 downloads
The Fight for a Free Sea: A Chronicle of the War of 1812 Ralph Delahaye Paine 179 downloads
A Short History of the United States for School Use Edward Channing 178 downloads
Great Epochs in American History, Volume 1. 177 downloads