Books in Browsing: Architecture (sorted alphabetically by author)
Alexander's Bridge Willa Cather
The Country House (with Designs) Alexis de Châteauneuf and Sir Charles Lock Eastlake
An Art-Lovers Guide to the Exposition Sheldon Cheney
Mediæval Military Architecture in England, Volume 1 (of 2) George Thomas Clark
Mediæval Military Architecture in England, Volume 2 (of 2) George Thomas Clark
The Care of Books John Willis Clark
Beskrivelser og tegninger af Øster Marie Kirke med særlig hensyn til den oprindelige form. (Danish) Andreas Lauritz Clemmensen
Color Value C. R. Clifford
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Lichfield A. B. Clifton
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of York A. Clutton-Brock
L'anfiteatro Flavio nei suoi venti secoli di storia (Italian) Mariano Colagrossi
Estudio descriptivo de los monumentos árabes de Granada, Sevilla y Córdoba (Spanish) Rafael Contreras
Travels in South Kensington Moncure Daniel Conway
Inscripções portuguezas (Portuguese) Luciano Cordeiro
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Chichester (1901) Hubert C. Corlette
L'Architecture Gothique (French) Édouard Corroyer
Gothic Architecture Édouard Corroyer
L'Architecture romane (French) Édouard Corroyer
The Colonial Architecture of Philadelphia Frank Cousins and Phil M. Riley
Line and Form (1900) Walter Crane
The Romance of Old New England Rooftrees Mary Caroline Crawford
"95% perfect" : The older residences at Nantucket Everett Uberto Crosby
Architecture N. D'Anvers
Port Sunlight : a record of its artistic & pictorial aspect T. Raffles Davison
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Wells Percy Dearmer