Books in Browsing: Drugs/Alcohol/Pharmacology (sorted by popularity)
Raittiutta runoissa I-II: Raittiuskokouksissa lausuttavaksi ja kotona luettavaksi (Finnish) Em. Tamminen and Juho Hellman 106 downloads
An Essay on the Effects of Opium. Considered as a Poison John Awsiter 106 downloads
Americana Ebrietatis Hewson L. Peeke 105 downloads
The Dixie Druggist, May, 1913 Anonymous 103 downloads
My Mother's Gold Ring: Founded on Fact Lucius M. Sargent 101 downloads
Tuliliemen tuttavana: Alkoholimuistelmia (Finnish) Jack London 98 downloads
Danger; Or, Wounded in the House of a Friend T. S. Arthur 96 downloads
The Canadian Druggist, Vol., 1, No. 2; August, 1889 95 downloads
Iloinen Harbori (Finnish) Kalle Potti 93 downloads
Personal Experience of a Physician John Ellis 91 downloads
Raittius-runoja : Valikoima raittiusasiaa käsitteleviä runoelmia (Finnish) G. J. Ramstedt 91 downloads
From Wealth to Poverty; Or, the Tricks of the Traffic. A Story of the Drink Curse Austin Potter 83 downloads
The Son of My Friend T. S. Arthur 60 downloads