Books in Browsing: Economics (sorted alphabetically by author)
If Not Silver, What? John W. Bookwalter
The impending crisis : conditions resulting from the concentration of wealth in the United States Basil A. Bouroff
Other People's Money, and How the Bankers Use It Louis Dembitz Brandeis
Wages in 1873: Address read before the Social Science Association at Norwich Earl Thomas Brassey Brassey
The truth about opium : being a refutation of the fallacies of the Anti-Opium Society and a defence of the Indo-China opium trade William H. Brereton
Rusticus : or, The future of the countryside Martin S. Briggs
The Conflict between Private Monopoly and Good Citizenship John Graham Brooks
"Broke," The Man Without the Dime Edwin A. Brown
The Coming of Coal Robert W. Bruère
The Railroad Question William Jennings Bryan
The Agrarian Crusade: A Chronicle of the Farmer in Politics Solon J. Buck
A Journal of a Visit of Three Days to Skibbereen, and Its Neighbourhood Elihu Burritt
Successful Stock Speculation John James Butler
North American Free Trade Agreement, 1992 Oct. 7 Tariff Phasing Descriptions Canada
Canada West Canada. Department of the Interior
Essai sur le commerce (French) Richard Cantillon
The Gospel of Wealth Andrew Carnegie
Arbetets Herravälde (Swedish) Andrew Carnegie
A Discourse on Trade, and Other Matters Relative to it John Cary
An Essay Towards Regulating the Trade, and Employing the Poor of This Kingdom John Cary
An Essay on the State of England John Cary
Thoughts on the mechanism of societies marquis de Charles Casaux
The Unexploited West Ernest J. Chambers
Edinburgh Papers. Edinburgh Merchants and Merchandise in Old Times Robert Chambers
The Old East Indiamen E. Keble Chatterton