Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted by popularity)
Plutarch: Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans Plutarch 1570 downloads
三國志 (Chinese) Shou Chen 1566 downloads
花月痕 (Chinese) Zi'an Wei 1565 downloads
Captain Cook's Journal During His First Voyage Round the World James Cook 1558 downloads
A History of Norwegian Immigration to the United States George T. Flom 1557 downloads
The Prince Niccolò Machiavelli 1555 downloads
The Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete Samuel Pepys 1554 downloads
De Nederlandsche Geslachtsnamen in Oorsprong, Geschiedenis en Beteekenis (Dutch) Johan Winkler 1550 downloads
English Literature William J. Long 1550 downloads
South: The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition, 1914-1917 Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton 1546 downloads
Argonauts of the Western Pacific Bronislaw Malinowski 1537 downloads
Fathers and Sons Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev 1526 downloads
The Essays of "George Eliot" George Eliot 1495 downloads
Areopagitica John Milton 1474 downloads
The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century Clarence Henry Haring 1459 downloads
The Institutes of Justinian 1457 downloads
The Friars in the Philippines Ambrose Coleman 1456 downloads
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended Isaac Newton 1454 downloads
Bushido, the Soul of Japan Inazo Nitobe 1449 downloads
The Story of Mankind Hendrik Willem Van Loon 1445 downloads
Rainbow Valley L. M. Montgomery 1430 downloads
The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry Walter Pater 1429 downloads
Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts Frank R. Stockton 1401 downloads
The Journals of Major-Gen. C. G. Gordon, C.B., at Kartoum. Charles George Gordon 1390 downloads
A Short History of the World H. G. Wells 1387 downloads