Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted by popularity)
The Outline of History: Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind H. G. Wells 1251 downloads
Hung Lou Meng, or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel, Book I Xueqin Cao 1247 downloads
The Bābur-nāma in English (Memoirs of Bābur) Emperor of Hindustan Babur 1246 downloads
飛龍全傳 (Chinese) active 18th century Xuan Wu 1246 downloads
Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' William Bradford 1239 downloads
The Discoverie of Witchcraft Reginald Scot 1238 downloads
Winnetou I (German) Karl May 1237 downloads
三國志演義 (Chinese) Guanzhong Luo 1232 downloads
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1 Edward Gibbon 1222 downloads
History of the Wars, Books I and II: The Persian War Procopius 1221 downloads
El Filibusterismo (Continuación del Noli me tángere) (Spanish) José Rizal 1210 downloads
Divine Comedy, Longfellow's Translation, Complete Dante Alighieri 1208 downloads
初刻拍案驚奇 (Chinese) Mengchu Ling 1203 downloads
A Treatise on Painting da Vinci Leonardo 1200 downloads
The Geography of Strabo, Volume 3 (of 3) Strabo 1198 downloads
The Princess of Cleves Madame de La Fayette 1190 downloads
The Part Borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia 1606-1765 J. E. Heeres 1176 downloads
A Child's History of the World V. M. Hillyer 1172 downloads
The American Occupation of the Philippines 1898-1912 James H. Blount 1170 downloads
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1161 downloads
官場現形記 (Chinese) Boyuan Li 1160 downloads
"De Bello Gallico" and Other Commentaries Julius Caesar 1157 downloads
臺灣外紀 (Chinese) active 1692 Risheng Jiang 1157 downloads
The History of a Crime Victor Hugo 1147 downloads
Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark Mary Wollstonecraft 1135 downloads