Books in Browsing: History - Medieval/The Middle Ages (sorted alphabetically)
Cloister and the Hearth: A Tale of the Middle Ages Charles Reade
Close of the Middle Ages, 1272-1494, 3rd Ed. Sir Richard Lodge
Comento alla Divina Commedia, e gli altri scritti intorno a Dante, vol. 3 (Italian) Giovanni Boccaccio
Coming of the Friars Augustus Jessopp
conde de Candespina (1 de 2) : novela histórica original (Spanish) Patricio de la Escosura
conde de Candespina (2 de 2) : novela histórica original (Spanish) Patricio de la Escosura
conde Lucanor (Spanish) Infante of Castile Juan Manuel
Confessio Amantis; Or, Tales of the Seven Deadly Sins John Gower
confessioni di fra Gualberto : storia del secolo XIV (Italian) Anton Giulio Barrili
Constantinople: The Story of the Old Capital of the Empire William Holden Hutton
Conte di Virtù vol. 1/2 (Italian) Carlo Belgiojoso
Crécy Hilaire Belloc
Cressy and Poictiers: The Story of the Black Prince's Page John G. Edgar
Cronaca di Fra Salimbene parmigiano vol. I (Italian) da Parma Salimbene
Cronaca di Fra Salimbene parmigiano vol. II (Italian) da Parma Salimbene
cronache italiane nel Medio Evo (Italian) Ugo Balzani
Cross and the Hammer: A Tale of the Days of the Vikings H. Bedford-Jones
Curiosités judiciaires et historiques du moyen âge. Procès contre les animaux (French) Émile Agnel
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages S. Baring-Gould
Customs of Old England F. J. Snell
Danish ballads
Dante and the early astronomers M. A. Orr
Dante: His Times and His Work Arthur John Butler
Dante: "The Central Man of All the World" John T. Slattery
Dead Man's Plack and an Old Thorn W. H. Hudson