Books in Browsing: Mathematics (sorted alphabetically)
Passages from the Life of a Philosopher Charles Babbage
Path-Way to Knowledg, Containing the First Principles of Geometrie Robert Record
Paul Appell: Biographie, Bibliographie Analytique des Écrits (French) Ernest Lebon
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Latin) Isaac Newton
philosophical and mathematical commentaries of Proclus on the first book of Euclid's elements (Vol. 1 of 2) : To which are added, A history of the restoration of Platonic theology, by the latter Platonists: And a translation from the Greek of Proclus's Theological elements Proclus
Philosophy and Fun of Algebra Mary Everest Boole
Philosophy and Fun of Algebra Mary Everest Boole
Pi Scott Hemphill
Plane Geometry G. A. Wentworth
Potentialfunction und das Potentiall; ein Beitrag zur mathematischen Physik (German) R. Clausius
Primer of Quaternions Arthur S. Hathaway
Primes to One Trillion
Puzzle King John Scott
Randwertaufgaben bei Systemen von linearen partiellen Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung (German) Wallie Abraham Hurwitz
Researches on curves of the second order George Whitehead Hearn
Review of Algebra Romeyn Henry Rivenburg
Romance of Mathematics P. H. Ditchfield
Science and hypothesis Henri Poincaré
Scrap-Book of Elementary Mathematics: Notes, Recreations, Essays William Frank White
Sechs Vorträge über ausgewählte Gegenstände aus der reinen Mathematik und mathematischen Physik (German) (French) Henri Poincaré
Second Story of Meno Unknown
Seven Follies of Science [2nd ed.] John Phin
Short Account of the History of Mathematics W. W. Rouse Ball
Short Cuts in Figures A. Frederick Collins
Solid Geometry with Problems and Applications (Revised edition) N. J. Lennes and H. E. Slaught