Books in Browsing: Mathematics (sorted alphabetically)
Some Famous Problems of the Theory of Numbers and in Particular Waring's Problem G. H. Hardy
Space—Time—Matter Hermann Weyl
Spherical Trigonometry: For the Use of Colleges and Schools I. Todhunter
Square Root of 10 Robert J. Nemiroff and Jerry T. Bonnell
Square Root of 2 Stan Kerr
Square Root of 2 Robert J. Nemiroff and Jerry T. Bonnell
Square Root of 3 Robert J. Nemiroff and Jerry T. Bonnell
Square Root of 4 to a Million Places Norman L. De Forest
Square Root of 5 Robert J. Nemiroff and Jerry T. Bonnell
Square Root of 6 Robert J. Nemiroff and Jerry T. Bonnell
Square Root of 7 Robert J. Nemiroff and Jerry T. Bonnell
- Square Root of 8 Robert J. Nemiroff and Jerry T. Bonnell
Sur les Principes Fondamentaux de la Théorie des Nombres et de la Géométrie (French) H. Laurent
Sur quelques applications des fonctions elliptiques (French) Charles Hermite
Synthetische Geometrie der Kugeln und linearen Kugelsysteme mit einer Einleitung in die analytische Geometrie der Kugelsysteme (German) Theodor Reye
Synthetische Theorie der Cliffordschen Parallelen und der Linearen Linienörter des Elliptischen Raumes (German) Wolfgang Vogt
Tangled Tale Lewis Carroll
Teaching of Geometry David Eugene Smith
Theorie der Abel'schen Functionen (German) Karl Weierstrass
Théorie des Fonctions Elliptiques (French) Charles Briot and M. Bouquet
Theory of Groups of Finite Order William Burnside
Theory of Numbers R. D. Carmichael
Theory of the Relativity of Motion Richard C. Tolman
Thèses présentées à la Faculté des Sciences de Paris pour le doctorat ès sciences mathématiques (French) Gaston Floquet
Topics on Tournaments John W. Moon