Books in Browsing: Mathematics (sorted by popularity)
Vector Analysis and Quaternions Alexander Macfarlane 135 downloads
The First 498 Bernoulli Numbers 134 downloads
La géométrie en vers techniques (French) Lyon Des Roys 133 downloads
Le calcul des résidus et ses applications à la théorie des fonctions (French) Ernst Leonard Lindelöf 132 downloads
On Riemann's Theory of Algebraic Functions and their Integrals Felix Klein 131 downloads
Orders of Infinity: The 'Infinitärcalcül' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond G. H. Hardy 129 downloads
The First 1001 Fibonacci Numbers 128 downloads
Mathematical Geography Willis E. Johnson 128 downloads
La Fonction Gamma: Théorie, Histoire, Bibliographie (French) Maurice Godefroy 128 downloads
Elliptic Functions: An Elementary Text-Book for Students of Mathematics Arthur Latham Baker 124 downloads
海島算經 (Chinese) active 3rd century-4th century Hui Liu 122 downloads
The Algebra of Logic Louis Couturat 118 downloads
Geometrical Solutions Derived from Mechanics; a Treatise of Archimedes Archimedes 117 downloads
The number-system of algebra treated theoretically and historically (2nd edition) Henry B. Fine 115 downloads
History of Modern Mathematics David Eugene Smith 114 downloads
The Value of Zeta(3) to 1,000,000 places 112 downloads
Abrégé de la Théorie des Fonctions Elliptiques (French) Charles Henry 112 downloads
The Evanston Colloquium: Lectures on Mathematics Felix Klein 110 downloads
How to Draw a Straight Line: A Lecture on Linkages A. B. Kempe 109 downloads
L'œuvre de Henri Poincaré (French) Emile Picard 109 downloads
A history of the mathematical theories of attraction and the figure of the earth from the time of Newton to that of Laplace. Volume 1 I. Todhunter 109 downloads
Sur les Principes Fondamentaux de la Théorie des Nombres et de la Géométrie (French) H. Laurent 107 downloads
Utility of Quaternions in Physics Alex. McAulay 106 downloads
Moderne Probleme der Physik (German) Hermann Sieveking 106 downloads
A Primer of Quaternions Arthur S. Hathaway 102 downloads