Books in Browsing: Performing Arts/Film (sorted by popularity)
The Countess of Escarbagnas Molière 184 downloads
The English Stage: Being an Account of the Victorian Drama Augustin Filon 184 downloads
Gabriel (French) George Sand 183 downloads
Divinas palabras : Tragicomedia de aldea (Spanish) Ramón del Valle-Inclán 183 downloads
Famous Prima Donnas Lewis Clinton Strang 183 downloads
The Squire: An Original Comedy in Three Acts Arthur Wing Pinero 183 downloads
A message from Mars : A fantastic comedy in three acts Richard Ganthony 183 downloads
Magic Shadows: The Story of the Origin of Motion Pictures Martin Quigley 182 downloads
Moral Deliberations in Modern Cinema Samuel Vaknin 182 downloads
'And So Ad Infinitum' (The Life of the Insects) Karel Čapek and Josef Čapek 182 downloads
Nummisuutarit (Finnish) Aleksis Kivi 181 downloads
Twelfth Night William Shakespeare 181 downloads
A-B-C of motion pictures Robert E. Welsh 181 downloads
Shakespeare and the Stage Maurice Jonas 181 downloads
Three Hats Arthur Shirley 180 downloads
Redemption and two other plays graf Leo Tolstoy 180 downloads
East of Suez: A Play in Seven Scenes W. Somerset Maugham 180 downloads
Household Gods: A Comedy Aleister Crowley 180 downloads
Plays, Acting and Music: A Book Of Theory Arthur Symons 180 downloads
Parsifal Richard Wagner and Oliver Huckel 179 downloads
Henri IV (1re partie) (French) William Shakespeare 179 downloads
As You Like It William Shakespeare 179 downloads
The film : Its use in popular education M. Jackson-Wrigley 179 downloads
The Betrothal Maurice Maeterlinck 178 downloads
Le bocche inutili: dramma in tre atti (Italian) Annie Vivanti 178 downloads