Books in Browsing: Philosophy & Ethics (sorted by popularity)
The Case of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 971 downloads
The Heavenly Life James Allen 964 downloads
Dream Psychology: Psychoanalysis for Beginners Sigmund Freud 961 downloads
The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer; On Human Nature Arthur Schopenhauer 961 downloads
Orthodoxy G. K. Chesterton 954 downloads
The Task of Social Hygiene Havelock Ellis 951 downloads
The Bible, King James Version, Complete Contents Anonymous 944 downloads
The Fable of the Bees; Or, Private Vices, Public Benefits Bernard Mandeville 943 downloads
王陽明全集 (Chinese) Yangming Wang 942 downloads
A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis Melvin Powers 942 downloads
The Methods of Ethics Henry Sidgwick 942 downloads
The Legends of the Jews — Volume 1 Louis Ginzberg 939 downloads
Tea-Cup Reading and Fortune-Telling by Tea Leaves, by a Highland Seer 937 downloads
Absolute Surrender and Other Addresses Andrew Murray 920 downloads
Superstition in all ages baron d' Paul Henri Thiry Holbach 919 downloads
Symbolic Logic Lewis Carroll 916 downloads
Bulfinch's Mythology Thomas Bulfinch 914 downloads
Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Edwards 914 downloads
Crito Plato 905 downloads
Kant's gesammelte Schriften. Band V. Kritik der Urtheilskraft. (German) Immanuel Kant 901 downloads
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge George Berkeley 899 downloads
The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan Ellen Gould Harmon White 895 downloads
The Faith of Islam Edward Sell 890 downloads
Commentary on Genesis, Vol. 1: Luther on the Creation Martin Luther 886 downloads
Selections from the Table Talk of Martin Luther Martin Luther 878 downloads