Books in Browsing: Philosophy & Ethics (sorted by popularity)
Early Greek Philosophy & Other Essays Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 696 downloads
The Apology Xenophon 693 downloads
Sermons on Various Important Subjects Andrew Lee 691 downloads
The Joyful Wisdom ("La Gaya Scienza") Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 689 downloads
Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays Bertrand Russell 688 downloads
The Phantom World; or, The philosophy of spirits, apparitions, &c, &c. Augustin Calmet 688 downloads
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life Sir E. A. Wallis Budge 684 downloads
Poetics Aristotle 684 downloads
Some Answered Questions ʻAbdu'l-Bahá 681 downloads
Histoire de la magie (French) Éliphas Lévi 680 downloads
Demonologia : or, natural knowledge revealed; being an exposé of ancient and modern superstitions, credulity, fanaticism, enthusiasm, & imposture, as connected with the doctrine, caballa, and jargon, of amulets, apparitions, astrology, charms, demonology, devils, divination, dreams, deuteroscopia, effluvia, fatalism, fate, friars, ghosts, gipsies, hell, hypocrites, incantations, inquisition, jugglers, legends, magic, magicians, miracles, monks, nymphs, oracles, physiognomy, purgatory, predestination, predictions, quackery, relics, saints, second sight, signs before death, sorcery, spirits, salamanders, spells, talismans, traditions, trials, &c. witches, witchcraft, &c. &c. the whole unfolding many singular phenomena in the page of nature J. S. Forsyth 678 downloads
The Riddle of the Universe at the close of the nineteenth century Ernst Haeckel 676 downloads
Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy: Volume 1 (of 3) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 675 downloads
Human Nature in Politics Graham Wallas 673 downloads
The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution for Cause of Conscience Discussed and Mr. Cotton's Letter Examined and Answered Roger Williams 668 downloads
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy Bertrand Russell 667 downloads
Zum ewigen Frieden: Ein philosophischer Entwurf (German) Immanuel Kant 663 downloads
The Praise of Folly Desiderius Erasmus 662 downloads
The Augsburg Confession Philipp Melanchthon 661 downloads
History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science John William Draper 659 downloads
Lysis Plato 659 downloads
Plotinos: Complete Works, v. 1 Plotinus 659 downloads
Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen (German) Immanuel Kant 659 downloads
Kant's gesammelte Schriften. Band V. Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. (German) Immanuel Kant 658 downloads
Ainsi Parlait Zarathoustra (French) Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 658 downloads