Books in Browsing: Politics (sorted alphabetically)
Cours familier de Littérature - Volume 14 (French) Alphonse de Lamartine
Cours familier de Littérature - Volume 16 (French) Alphonse de Lamartine
Cours familier de Littérature - Volume 20 (French) Alphonse de Lamartine
Cours familier de Littérature - Volume 21 (French) Alphonse de Lamartine
Cri des colons contre un ouvrage de M. l'évêque et sénateur Grégoire, ayant pour titre 'De la Littérature des nègres' (French) F.-R. de Tussac
Crime Against Europe: A Possible Outcome of the War of 1914 Roger Casement
crime et la débauche à Paris; Le divorce (French) Charles Desmaze
Crime of the Congo Arthur Conan Doyle
Crimes and Punishments James Anson Farrer
Crimes of England G. K. Chesterton
Criminal Types V. M. Masten
Crisis in Russia Arthur Ransome
Crisis of Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-One in the Government of the United States. Abel D. Streight
Critical Examination of Socialism W. H. Mallock
Critique of Socialism George R. Sims
Crowned Queen: The Romance of a Minister of State Sydney C. Grier
crown of straw Allen Upward
Cuestiones políticas y económicas (Spanish) Palemón Huergo
cult of incompetence Émile Faguet
Dalmatinische Reise (German) Hermann Bahr
Dämonen (German) Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Daniel Webster Henry Cabot Lodge
Daniel Webster for Young Americans Daniel Webster
Dans le cloaque (French) Maurice Barrès
Dante. An essay. To which is added a translation of De Monarchia. Dante Alighieri and R. W. Church