Books in Browsing: Science - Astronomy (sorted alphabetically by author)
Lectures on Stellar Statistics C. V. L. Charlier
A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Agnes M. Clerke
The Herschels and Modern Astronomy Agnes M. Clerke
The Book of Stars: Being a Simple Explanation of the Stars and Their Uses to Boy Life A. Frederick Collins
A Text-Book of Astronomy George C. Comstock
Stellar Evolution and Its Relations to Geological Time James Croll
Scientific Papers by Sir George Howard Darwin. Volume V. Supplementary Volume Sir George Howard Darwin
The Tides and Kindred Phenomena in the Solar System Sir George Howard Darwin
The evolution of worlds from nebulae Lee Parker Dean
Telescopic Work for Starlight Evenings William F. Denning
The Practical Astronomer Thomas Dick
Astronomy of To-day: A Popular Introduction in Non-Technical Language Cecil Goodrich Julius Dolmage
On the Construction of a Silvered Glass Telescope Henry Draper
Stars and atoms Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington
Beschrijving van het Rijks-Planetarium te Franeker (Dutch) W. Eekhoff and Jan Hendrik van Swinden
Mathematische Geographie für Lehrerbildungsanstalten (German) Erwin Eggert
The moon : a full description and map of its principal physical features Thomas Gwyn Elger
Comet Lore: Halley's Comet in History and Astronomy Edwin Emerson
Was mir das Sternenlicht erzählt: Eine populäre Himmelskunde für die Jugend (German) Felix Erber
The uses of astronomy : An oration delivered at Albany on the 28th of July, 1856 Edward Everett
Astronomy Explained Upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles James Ferguson
Dreams of an astronomer Camille Flammarion
Komet und Erde: Eine astronomische Erzählung (German) Camille Flammarion
Astronomy for Amateurs Camille Flammarion
Astronomical Myths: Based on Flammarions's "History of the Heavens" Camille Flammarion and J. F. Blake