Books in Browsing: Science - Astronomy (sorted by popularity)
The Story of the Solar System George F. Chambers 152 downloads
The Source and Mode of Solar Energy Throughout the Universe Isaac W. Heysinger 151 downloads
Flowers of the Sky Richard A. Proctor 150 downloads
Star-land: Being Talks With Young People About the Wonders of the Heavens Robert S. Ball 149 downloads
Practical Talks by an Astronomer Harold Jacoby 148 downloads
Popular lessons in astronomy, on a new plan : in which some of the leading principles of the science are illustrated by actual comparisions, independent of the use of numbers Francis J. Grund 145 downloads
Über die Vulkane im Monde (German) Immanuel Kant 143 downloads
Beschrijving van het Rijks-Planetarium te Franeker (Dutch) W. Eekhoff and Jan Hendrik van Swinden 142 downloads
On the Construction of a Silvered Glass Telescope Henry Draper 141 downloads
The Plurality of Worlds William Whewell 140 downloads
A new discovery for finding the longitude William Hobbs 140 downloads
The Evolution of Worlds Percival Lowell 140 downloads
Plato's Doctrine Respecting the Rotation of the Earth and Aristotle's Comment Upon That Doctrine George Grote 139 downloads
Was mir das Sternenlicht erzählt: Eine populäre Himmelskunde für die Jugend (German) Felix Erber 139 downloads
Mars and Its Mystery Edward Sylvester Morse 138 downloads
Memoirs of the life of David Rittenhouse, LLD. F.R.S., late president of the American Philosophical Society, &c. : interspersed with various notices of many distinguished men : with an appendix, containing sundry philosophical and other papers, most of which have not hitherto been published William Barton 138 downloads
Jorden och solsystemet : Några blad ur historien om vetenskapens strider (Swedish) Karl Bohlin 137 downloads
An epitome of astronomy, with the new discoveries William Walker 136 downloads
Is Mars habitable? A critical examination of Professor Percival Lowell's book "Mars and its canals," with an alternative explanation Alfred Russel Wallace 136 downloads
Peter Parley's Wonders of the Earth, Sea, and Sky Samuel G. Goodrich 136 downloads
Einiges aus der Geschichte der Astronomie im Alterthum (German) Friedrich Blass 135 downloads
The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, B.C. J. S. Plaskett 131 downloads
An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe Thomas Wright 128 downloads
The Destinies of the Stars Svante Arrhenius 127 downloads
The New Astronomy S. P. Langley 127 downloads