Books in Browsing: Science - Astronomy (sorted alphabetically)
celestial worlds discover'd : or, conjectures concerning the inhabitants, plants and productions of the worlds in the planets Christiaan Huygens
Century's Progress in Astronomy Hector Macpherson
Children's Book of Stars G. E. Mitton
Comet Lore: Halley's Comet in History and Astronomy Edwin Emerson
Comets and Meteors Daniel Kirkwood
Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds M. de Fontenelle
Copernicus of Antiquity (Aristarchus of Samos) Sir Thomas Little Heath
Cosmografía (Spanish) Amédée Guillemin
Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 Alexander von Humboldt
Curiosities of the Sky Garrett Putman Serviss
Dante and the early astronomers M. A. Orr
dawn of astronomy Sir Norman Lockyer
description and use of the globes and the orrery Joseph Harris
Destinies of the Stars Svante Arrhenius
discovery of a world in the moone : or, A discovrse tending to prove that 'tis probable there may be another habitable world in that planet John Wilkins
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, B.C. J. S. Plaskett
Dreams of an astronomer Camille Flammarion
Earth and Sky Every Child Should Know Julia Ellen Rogers
Earths In Our Solar System Which Are Called Planets, and Earths In The Starry Heaven Their Inhabitants, And The Spirits And Angels There Emanuel Swedenborg
Einiges aus der Geschichte der Astronomie im Alterthum (German) Friedrich Blass
epitome of astronomy, with the new discoveries William Walker
Eureka: A Prose Poem Edgar Allan Poe
Evolution of Worlds Percival Lowell
evolution of worlds from nebulae Lee Parker Dean
Extra-galactic nebulae Edwin Hubble