Compendio di Chimica Fisiologica (Italian)
A. Cominelli
Researches on Cellulose, 1895-1900
C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan
The Discovery of Radium
Marie Curie
Untersuchungen über die radioaktiven Substanzen von Marie Curie, übersetzt und mit Litteratur-Ergänzungen versehen von W. Kaufmann (German)
Marie Curie
Recherches sur les substances radioactives (French)
Marie Curie
Recent research on radioactivity
Pierre Curie
A System of Pyrotechny
James Cutbush
A new system of chemical philosophy, Volume 2, Part 1
John Dalton
The History of Ink, Including Its Etymology, Chemistry, and Bibliography
Thaddeus Davids
Secrets of Wise Men, Chemists and Great Physicians
William K. David
Researches Chemical and Philosophical; Chiefly concerning nitrous oxide
Sir Humphry Davy
The Chemistry of Food and Nutrition
A. W. Duncan
The Romance of the Microscope
C. A. Ealand
The Chemical History of a Candle
Michael Faraday
Naturgeschichte einer Kerze : Sechs Vorlesungen für die Jugend; Mit einem Lebensabriß Faraday's (German)
Michael Faraday
History of Phosphorus
Eduard Farber
The Phase Rule and Its Applications
Alexander Findlay
Anleitung zur quantitativen chemischen Analyse (German)
C. Remigius Fresenius
Chemical warfare
Amos A. Fries and Clarence J. West
Chemiam artibus academicis jure esse inserendam (Latin)
Hieronymus David Gaubius
Inaugureele Rede (Dutch)
Hieronymus David Gaubius
The Elements of Blowpipe Analysis
Frederick Hutton Getman
The works of the highly experienced and famous chymist, John Rudolph Glauber : containing, great variety of choice secrets in medicine and alchymy in the working of metallick mines, and the separation of metals: also, various cheap and easie ways of making salt-petre, and improving of barren-land, and the fruits of the earth.
Johann Rudolf Glauber
Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung (German)
Hermann Hager
Callinicus : A defence of chemical warfare
J. B. S. Haldane