Books in Browsing: Fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 5 Edgar Allan Poe 1158 downloads
The Blithedale Romance Nathaniel Hawthorne 1153 downloads
The Man Who Laughs: A Romance of English History Victor Hugo 1153 downloads
The Getting of Wisdom Henry Handel Richardson 1153 downloads
Varney the Vampire; Or, the Feast of Blood Thomas Peckett Prest and James Malcolm Rymer 1153 downloads
News from Nowhere; Or, An Epoch of Rest William Morris 1151 downloads
Monday or Tuesday Virginia Woolf 1150 downloads
Tom Brown's School Days Thomas Hughes 1146 downloads
Der Idiot (German) Fyodor Dostoyevsky 1144 downloads
Measure for Measure William Shakespeare 1144 downloads
Sketches by Boz, Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People Charles Dickens 1144 downloads
中國十大禁書之國色天香 (Chinese) active 16th century Jingsuo Wu 1143 downloads
Bel Ami; Or, The History of a Scoundrel: A Novel Guy de Maupassant 1137 downloads
Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 1 François Rabelais 1135 downloads
Friars and Filipinos José Rizal 1132 downloads
木蘭奇女傳 (Chinese) Anonymous 1131 downloads
Faust: A Tragedy Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1130 downloads
The Financier: A Novel Theodore Dreiser 1129 downloads
A Tramp Abroad Mark Twain 1129 downloads
文明小史 (Chinese) Boyuan Li 1125 downloads
A Woman of No Importance Oscar Wilde 1122 downloads
Contes Français (French) 1121 downloads
Unterm Rad (German) Hermann Hesse 1121 downloads
Waverley; Or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since Walter Scott 1120 downloads
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 3 Edgar Allan Poe 1120 downloads