Books in Philosophy (sorted by popularity)
Ethics — Part 1 Benedictus de Spinoza 276 downloads
Jewish History : An Essay in the Philosophy of History Simon Dubnow 274 downloads
Theologico-Political Treatise — Part 2 Benedictus de Spinoza 271 downloads
An Introduction to Philosophy George Stuart Fullerton 268 downloads
Lectures on the true, the beautiful and the good Victor Cousin 266 downloads
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law Roscoe Pound 263 downloads
Initiation into Philosophy Émile Faguet 261 downloads
A Short History of Greek Philosophy J. Marshall 258 downloads
The English Utilitarians, Volume 1 (of 3) Leslie Stephen 251 downloads
A System of Logic: Ratiocinative and Inductive, 7th Edition, Vol. II John Stuart Mill 250 downloads
Rudolph Eucken : a philosophy of life Abel J. Jones 248 downloads
The Approach to Philosophy Ralph Barton Perry 244 downloads
A System of Logic: Ratiocinative and Inductive, 7th Edition, Vol. I John Stuart Mill 244 downloads
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy (Latin) Boethius 244 downloads
A Theological-Political Treatise [Part III] Benedictus de Spinoza 242 downloads
A New Philosophy : Henri Bergson Edouard Le Roy 240 downloads
History of Modern Philosophy Richard Falckenberg 235 downloads
The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings John Abercrombie 233 downloads
Bacon R. W. Church 231 downloads
Deductive Logic St. George William Joseph Stock 217 downloads
Mind and Motion and Monism George John Romanes 215 downloads
The Philosophy of Despair David Starr Jordan 211 downloads
The Psychology of Nations G. E. Partridge 202 downloads
Essays Towards a Theory of Knowledge Alexander Philip 202 downloads
Introduction to the Philosophy and Writings of Plato Thomas Taylor 199 downloads