Books in Science Fiction (sorted by popularity)
Pygmalion's Spectacles Stanley G. Weinbaum 673 downloads
Thuvia, Maid of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 660 downloads
Youth Isaac Asimov 635 downloads
Little Fuzzy H. Beam Piper 635 downloads
The First Men in the Moon H. G. Wells 633 downloads
20.000 Mijlen onder Zee: Oostelijk Halfrond (Dutch) Jules Verne 629 downloads
Twelve Stories and a Dream H. G. Wells 629 downloads
Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930 Various 610 downloads
Lone Star Planet John J. McGuire and H. Beam Piper 606 downloads
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions Edwin Abbott Abbott 605 downloads
The Sleeper Awakes H. G. Wells 594 downloads
The Shunned House H. P. Lovecraft 582 downloads
The Variable Man Philip K. Dick 578 downloads
The Poison Belt Arthur Conan Doyle 576 downloads
Deathworld Harry Harrison 572 downloads
The Chessmen of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 570 downloads
The Tunnel Under the World Frederik Pohl 546 downloads
The Skull Philip K. Dick 533 downloads
The Land That Time Forgot Edgar Rice Burroughs 529 downloads
A Voyage to Arcturus David Lindsay 525 downloads
Beyond the Door Philip K. Dick 519 downloads
The Lost Continent Edgar Rice Burroughs 516 downloads
Ralestone Luck Andre Norton 505 downloads
The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth H. G. Wells 504 downloads
Vingt mille Lieues Sous Les Mers — Complete (French) Jules Verne 502 downloads