Books about United States -- Description and travel (sorted by popularity)
Two Thousand Miles on an Automobile Arthur Jerome Eddy 120 downloads
My Diary: North and South (vol. 2 of 2) Sir William Howard Russell 119 downloads
American Scenery, Vol. 2 (of 2) Nathaniel Parker Willis 118 downloads
As We Are and As We May Be Walter Besant 113 downloads
Der Deutsche Lausbub in Amerika: Erinnerungen und Eindrücke. Band 1 (von 3) (German) Erwin Rosen 113 downloads
An Englishman's travels in America : his observations of life and manners in the free and slave states John Benwell 110 downloads
With Poor Immigrants to America Stephen Graham 105 downloads
Uudesta Maailmasta: Hajanaisia matkakuvia Amerikasta (Finnish) friherrinna Alexandra Gripenberg 99 downloads
American Scenes, and Christian Slavery Ebenezer Davies 97 downloads
Amerikanskt: Som emigrant till Amerika (Swedish) Ester Blenda Nordström 97 downloads
Transatlantische Reiseskizzen und Christopherus Bärenhäuter. Erstes Bändchen. (German) Charles Sealsfield 96 downloads
Nine Thousand Miles on a Pullman Train Milton M. Shaw 84 downloads
Transatlantische Reiseskizzen und Christophorus Bärenhäuter. Zweites Bändchen. (German) Charles Sealsfield 81 downloads
Hesperothen; Notes from the West, Vol. 1 (of 2) Sir William Howard Russell 80 downloads
Travels in the United States of America William Priest 72 downloads