Books about United States -- Description and travel (sorted by popularity)
Hesperothen; Notes from the West, Vol. 2 (of 2) Sir William Howard Russell 198 downloads
A start in life. A journey across America. Fruit farming in California C. F. Dowsett 194 downloads
Travels Through North America, During the Years 1825 and 1826. v. 1-2 Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach Bernhard 192 downloads
Nord-Sud: Amérique; Angleterre; Corse; Spitzberg (French) René Bazin 192 downloads
Impressioni d'America (Italian) Giuseppe Giacosa 191 downloads
Der Deutsche Lausbub in Amerika: Erinnerungen und Eindrücke. Band 2 (von 3) (German) Erwin Rosen 190 downloads
In Quest of El Dorado Stephen Graham 189 downloads
Diary in America, Series Two Frederick Marryat 187 downloads
Ross's Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River, 1810-1813 Alexander Ross 186 downloads
Vacation Rambles Thomas Hughes 183 downloads
Reminiscences of Travel in Australia, America, and Egypt Sir Richard Tangye 183 downloads
Ocean to Ocean on Horseback Willard W. Glazier 181 downloads
Der Deutsche Lausbub in Amerika: Erinnerungen und Eindrücke. Band 3 (von 3) (German) Erwin Rosen 179 downloads
Impressions of America During the Years 1833, 1834 and 1835. Volume 2 (of 2) Tyrone Power 175 downloads
Impressions of America During the Years 1833, 1834 and 1835. Volume 1 (of 2) Tyrone Power 175 downloads
Gleanings by the Way John A. Clark 174 downloads
A Journey to America in 1834 Robert Heywood 172 downloads
The Personality of American Cities Edward Hungerford 171 downloads
First impressions of the New World on two travellers from the Old, in the autumn of 1858 Isabella Strange Trotter 171 downloads
By motor to the Golden Gate Emily Post 169 downloads
Across America by Motor-cycle C. K. Shepherd 167 downloads
From Dublin to Chicago: Some Notes on a Tour in America George A. Birmingham 165 downloads
Across the Continent by the Lincoln Highway Effie Price Gladding 163 downloads
Roving East and Roving West E. V. Lucas 163 downloads
Pedal and Path: Across the Continent Awheel and Afoot George B. Thayer 160 downloads