Books about Animals -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
Wood Magic: A Fable Richard Jefferies 187 downloads
Better Than Men Rush C. Hawkins 164 downloads
Shepherds of the Wild Edison Marshall 161 downloads
The Race of the Swift Edwin Carlile Litsey 161 downloads
In African Forest and Jungle Paul B. Du Chaillu 151 downloads
The Elephant's Ball, and Grand Fete Champetre W. B. 149 downloads
The King of the Mamozekel Sir Charles G. D. Roberts 142 downloads
The Black Phantom Leo E. Miller 141 downloads
Viidakkopoika (Finnish) Rudyard Kipling 139 downloads
The Untamed: Range Life in the Southwest George Pattullo 138 downloads
Around the Camp-fire Sir Charles G. D. Roberts 133 downloads
Gestalten der Wildnis (German) Sir Charles G. D. Roberts 132 downloads
Ketun seikkailusta harakan vankeuteen : Eläintarinoita (Finnish) Louis Pergaud 121 downloads
Tiel do: Rakontoj por malgrandaj infanoj (Esperanto) Rudyard Kipling 119 downloads
Friends and Helpers 118 downloads
Korven kulkuri : Lukuja luonnon kirjasta (Finnish) Sir Charles G. D. Roberts 111 downloads
Veikeitä juttuja pienille lapsille (Finnish) Rudyard Kipling 100 downloads
Eläinten sankareita (Finnish) Ernest Thompson Seton 98 downloads
The Heart of the Wild: Nature Studies from Near and Far S. L. Bensusan 91 downloads