The Positive Outcome of Philosophy
Joseph Dietzgen
The Dance of Life
Havelock Ellis
Aphorismes sur la sagesse dans la vie (French)
Arthur Schopenhauer
Filosofía Fundamental, Tomo III (Spanish)
Jaime Luciano Balmes
The Complex Vision
John Cowper Powys
Filosofía Fundamental, Tomo II (Spanish)
Jaime Luciano Balmes
Le trésor des humbles (French)
Maurice Maeterlinck
Bevezetés a filozófiába (Hungarian)
Wilhelm Jerusalem
On the Significance of Science and Art
graf Leo Tolstoy
Notes de Voltaire et de Condorcet sur les pensées de Pascal (French)
Voltaire, Blaise Pascal, comte Nicolas Louis François de Neufchâteau, and marquis de Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet
Ερυξίας, Αξίοχος, Αλκυών (Modern Greek (1453-))
Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative; Vol. 3 of 3
Herbert Spencer
The philosophy of life, and philosophy of language, in a course of lectures
Friedrich von Schlegel
Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative; Vol. 2 of 3
Herbert Spencer
Tee työtä eläkä joudu epätoivoon! (Finnish)
Thomas Carlyle
The Banquet (Il Convito)
Dante Alighieri
Uren met Schopenhauer (Dutch)
Arthur Schopenhauer
Landmarks of Scientific Socialism: "Anti-Duehring"
Friedrich Engels
Decadence, and Other Essays on the Culture of Ideas
Remy de Gourmont
La kialo de la vivo (Esperanto)
Sämmtliche Werke 8: Vermischte Schriften und Aufsätze
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Aesthetical and philosophical essays : introducing the dissertation on the "connection between the animal and spiritual man"
Friedrich Schiller
Moderne Probleme (German)
Eduard von Hartmann
Philosophic Nights in Paris
Remy de Gourmont
Cyclopedia of Philosophy
Samuel Vaknin