Books about Inheritance and succession -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Leavenworth Case Anna Katharine Green 401 downloads
The Virginians William Makepeace Thackeray 382 downloads
The Dead Secret: A Novel Wilkie Collins 352 downloads
My Lady Nobody: A Novel Maarten Maartens 347 downloads
Thankful's Inheritance Joseph Crosby Lincoln 345 downloads
The Wrong Box Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne 340 downloads
Mr. Scarborough's Family Anthony Trollope 303 downloads
Brewster's Millions George Barr McCutcheon 299 downloads
Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress — Volume 3 Fanny Burney 294 downloads
Orley Farm Anthony Trollope 294 downloads
Checkmate Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu 294 downloads
The Master of Ballantrae: A Winter's Tale Robert Louis Stevenson 293 downloads
Harum Scarum's Fortune Esmè Stuart 292 downloads
In Jeopardy Van Tassel Sutphen 288 downloads
The radio ghost Otis Adelbert Kline 279 downloads
The Spoils of Poynton Henry James 276 downloads
The Spenders: A Tale of the Third Generation Harry Leon Wilson 272 downloads
The Mystery of 31 New Inn R. Austin Freeman 270 downloads
The Green Bough E. Temple Thurston 266 downloads
St. Martin's Summer Rafael Sabatini 263 downloads
Rich Man, Poor Man Maximilian Foster 259 downloads
Lady Anna Anthony Trollope 255 downloads
La Terre (French) Émile Zola 255 downloads
The Children of the Abbey: A Tale Regina Maria Roche 254 downloads
The Morals of Marcus Ordeyne : a Novel William John Locke 253 downloads