Books about Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Authorship -- Baconian theory (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–14
Is Shakespeare Dead? Mark Twain 475 downloads
The Mystery of Francis Bacon William T. Smedley 286 downloads
Bacon and Shakspere William Henry Burr 264 downloads
The Shakespearean Myth: William Shakespeare and Circumstantial Evidence Appleton Morgan 257 downloads
Bacon is Shake-Speare Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence 243 downloads
Shakespeare, Bacon, and the Great Unknown Andrew Lang 198 downloads
The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded Delia Salter Bacon 187 downloads
Bacon and Shakespeare Albert Frederick Calvert 148 downloads
Concerning the bi-literal cypher of Francis Bacon discovered in his works Elizabeth Wells Gallup 136 downloads
Baconian Essays active 19th century E. W. Smithson 129 downloads
Is Shakespeare Dead? Mark Twain 126 downloads
The Little Cryptogram Joseph Gilpin Pyle 118 downloads
The Shakespeare Myth Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence 117 downloads
Shakespeare und die Bacon-Mythen (German) Kuno Fischer 113 downloads
Displaying results 1–14