Books about Gastronomy (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–11
Physiologie du goût (French) Brillat-Savarin 917 downloads
The Pleasures of the Table George H. Ellwanger 369 downloads
The Physiology of Taste; Or, Transcendental Gastronomy Brillat-Savarin 287 downloads
Table traits, with something on them Dr. Doran 270 downloads
Cakes & Ale Edward Spencer 264 downloads
The Pantropheon; Or, History of Food, Its Preparation, from the Earliest Ages of the World Alexis Soyer 224 downloads
Food and Flavor: A Gastronomic Guide to Health and Good Living Henry T. Finck 177 downloads
Petit bréviaire de la Gourmandise (French) Laurent Tailhade 163 downloads
The greedy book : A gastronomical anthology Frank Schloesser 155 downloads
Congress Hotel, Home of a Thousand Homes Irving S. Paull and W. S. Goodnaw 152 downloads
The Feasts of Autolycus: The Diary of a Greedy Woman Elizabeth Robins Pennell 152 downloads
Displaying results 1–11