Books about Ethnopsychology (sorted alphabetically)
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Displaying results 1–11
Animismus, Magie und Allmacht der Gedanken (German) Sigmund Freud
Basis of Social Relations: A Study in Ethnic Psychology Daniel G. Brinton
Elements of Folk Psychology Wilhelm Max Wundt
Group Mind: A Sketch of the Principles of Collective Psychology William McDougall
Hier et demain : pensées brèves (French) Gustave Le Bon
Lois psychologiques de l'évolution des peuples (French) Gustave Le Bon
mind of primitive man : A course of lectures delivered before the Lowell Institute, Boston, Mass., and the National University of Mexico, 1910-1911 Franz Boas
Múlt és jövő : (Gondolatok a világháborúról, békéről s a népek és a kultura sorsáról) (Hungarian) Gustave Le Bon
Ritual and belief : Studies in the history of religion Edwin Sidney Hartland
Totem and Taboo Sigmund Freud
Totem und Tabu (German) Sigmund Freud
Displaying results 1–11