Books about Philosophy, Chinese (sorted by popularity)
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Dao De Jing: A Minimalist Translation (Chinese) Laozi 3187 downloads
The Analects of Confucius (from the Chinese Classics) Confucius 1869 downloads
The Tao Teh King, or the Tao and its Characteristics Laozi 1283 downloads
The Sayings of Confucius Confucius 1118 downloads
王陽明全集 (Chinese) Yangming Wang 925 downloads
Chuang Tzu: Mystic, Moralist, and Social Reformer Zhuangzi 861 downloads
論衡 (Chinese) Chong Wang 753 downloads
The Sayings of Confucius Confucius 567 downloads
The Tao Teh King, or the Tao and its Characteristics Laozi 559 downloads
張載集 (Chinese) Zai Zhang 471 downloads
韩非子 (Chinese) Fei Han 421 downloads
管子 (Chinese) Zhong Guan 377 downloads
道德經 (Chinese) Laozi 353 downloads
鬼谷子 (Chinese) active 4th century B.C. Guiguzi 302 downloads
墨子 (Chinese) Di Mo 271 downloads
The Wisdom of Confucius Confucius 265 downloads
論語 (Chinese) Confucius 214 downloads
鬼谷子 (Chinese) active 4th century B.C. Guiguzi 211 downloads
L'idée de Dieu dans la philosophie religieuse de la Chine (French) Lucien de Rosny 202 downloads
De Geest van China (Dutch) Henri Borel 199 downloads
賈誼新書 (Chinese) Yi Jia 199 downloads
Lao-tzu, A Study in Chinese Philosophy Thomas Watters 189 downloads
老子 (Chinese) Laozi 187 downloads
申鑒 (Chinese) Yue Xun 175 downloads
Suuri oppi: Johdatus kungfutselaiseen elämänkatsomukseen (Finnish) Confucius 136 downloads
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