Books about Domestic fiction (sorted by popularity)
Amelia — Volume 1 Henry Fielding 102 downloads
"My Novel" — Volume 12 Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 102 downloads
Le Général Dourakine (French) comtesse de Sophie Ségur 101 downloads
Hesper, the Home-Spirit: A simple story of household labor and love Lizzie Doten 99 downloads
The Ordeal of Richard Feverel — Volume 3 George Meredith 98 downloads
"My Novel" — Volume 04 Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 98 downloads
Sanctuary Edith Wharton 96 downloads
Sous la neige (French) Edith Wharton 96 downloads
"My Novel" — Volume 07 Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 96 downloads
Syvänne : Kuvauksia Chicagon pörssipiireistä (Finnish) Frank Norris 95 downloads
The Ordeal of Richard Feverel — Volume 2 George Meredith 91 downloads
Ansa (Finnish) Émile Zola 89 downloads
Home Lights and Shadows T. S. Arthur 88 downloads
Perhe Giljellä: Kuvaus neljänneltä vuosikymmeneltä (Finnish) Jonas Lie 88 downloads
Anne Severn and the Fieldings May Sinclair 82 downloads
Janet's boys Annette Lyster 81 downloads
Rouva Mayburnin kaksoiset (Finnish) John Habberton 72 downloads
The Newcomes William Makepeace Thackeray 62 downloads