Books about Domestic fiction (sorted by popularity)
Washington Square Henry James 737 downloads
My Ántonia Willa Cather 735 downloads
Wives and Daughters Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 735 downloads
Barchester Towers Anthony Trollope 725 downloads
Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen 695 downloads
The Young Step-Mother; Or, A Chronicle of Mistakes Charlotte M. Yonge 690 downloads
The fatal three, vol. III M. E. Braddon 670 downloads
The fatal three, vol. II M. E. Braddon 652 downloads
The Way of All Flesh Samuel Butler 651 downloads
Felix Holt, the Radical George Eliot 608 downloads
The Custom of the Country Edith Wharton 586 downloads
Ruth Hall: A Domestic Tale of the Present Time Fanny Fern 584 downloads
Ruth Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 576 downloads
The Forsyte Saga, Volume II. John Galsworthy 538 downloads
The Valley of the Moon Jack London 514 downloads
The Warden Anthony Trollope 506 downloads
The pit : a story of Chicago Frank Norris 505 downloads
Καλαμιές στον άνεμο (Modern Greek (1453-)) Grazia Deledda 496 downloads
East Lynne Mrs. Henry Wood 493 downloads
The Magnificent Ambersons Booth Tarkington 464 downloads
Buddenbrooks, volume 1 of 2 Thomas Mann 461 downloads
L'Assommoir (French) Émile Zola 454 downloads
Romola George Eliot 453 downloads
Frau Bovary (German) Gustave Flaubert 448 downloads
Howards End E. M. Forster 447 downloads