Books about Clergy -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Minister's Wooing Harriet Beecher Stowe 394 downloads
The Small House at Allington Anthony Trollope 384 downloads
If Any Man Sin H. A. Cody 376 downloads
Abbe Mouret's Transgression Émile Zola 319 downloads
The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Complete Émile Zola 310 downloads
The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Complete Émile Zola 301 downloads
Los pazos de Ulloa (Spanish) condesa de Emilia Pardo Bazán 297 downloads
The secret of Father Brown G. K. Chesterton 297 downloads
Lourdes (French) Émile Zola 292 downloads
The Shepherd of the Hills Harold Bell Wright 286 downloads
Notre-Dame de Paris - Tome 2 (French) Victor Hugo 267 downloads
The Vicar of Bullhampton Anthony Trollope 266 downloads
My New Curate Patrick Augustine Sheehan 250 downloads
Prester John John Buchan 242 downloads
Rome (French) Émile Zola 241 downloads
Satan Sanderson Hallie Erminie Rives 237 downloads
The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains Charles Egbert Craddock 236 downloads
The Village Rector Honoré de Balzac 232 downloads
The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Émile Zola 230 downloads
The Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Complete Émile Zola 223 downloads
The Legacy of Cain Wilkie Collins 220 downloads
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo 217 downloads
The Heart of Canyon Pass Thomas K. Holmes 213 downloads
The Cathedral: A Novel Hugh Walpole 202 downloads
The Little Minister J. M. Barrie 200 downloads