Books about Fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Man with the Double Heart Muriel Hine 267 downloads
Hesperus; or, Forty-Five Dog-Post-Days: A Biography. Vol. I. Jean Paul 267 downloads
The Tyranny of Weakness Charles Neville Buck 265 downloads
Vecchie storie d'amore (Italian) Adolfo Albertazzi 265 downloads
New Arabian Nights Robert Louis Stevenson 264 downloads
Contos Paraenses (Portuguese) João Marques de Carvalho 263 downloads
Bransford of Rainbow Range Eugene Manlove Rhodes 262 downloads
A London Life, and Other Tales Henry James 262 downloads
Gerald Fitzgerald, the Chevalier: A Novel Charles James Lever 262 downloads
The Turtles of Tasman Jack London 262 downloads
De Geschiedenis van Woutertje Pieterse, Deel 2 (Dutch) Multatuli 261 downloads
Tony Butler Charles James Lever 261 downloads
Wandering Ghosts F. Marion Crawford 261 downloads
The Blue Flower Henry Van Dyke 261 downloads
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret — a Romance Nathaniel Hawthorne 260 downloads
Tales and Novels — Volume 08 Maria Edgeworth 259 downloads
El Consejo de los Dioses (Spanish) José Rizal 259 downloads
Bird of Paradise Ada Leverson 259 downloads
Jaffery William John Locke 258 downloads
Eleven Possible Cases Frank R. Stockton, Anna Katharine Green, Maurice Thompson, Kirk Munroe, Henry Harland, Joaquin Miller, Ingersoll Lockwood, A. C. Wheeler, Brainard Gardner Smith, Franklin Fyles, and Edgar Fawcett 257 downloads
Great Ghost Stories 257 downloads
Blackthorn Farm Arthur Applin 256 downloads
The Lure of the Mask Harold MacGrath 256 downloads
The Place Beyond the Winds Harriet T. Comstock 256 downloads
North, South and Over the Sea M. E. Francis 255 downloads