Books about Paris (France) -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
Les mystères de Paris, Tome II (French) Eugène Sue 203 downloads
The Immortal; Or, One of the "Forty." Alphonse Daudet 200 downloads
Les esclaves de Paris (French) Emile Gaboriau 200 downloads
Historia de una parisiense (Spanish) Octave Feuillet 199 downloads
Jean (French) Paul de Kock 198 downloads
Fair Margaret: A Portrait F. Marion Crawford 198 downloads
Paris (French) Émile Zola 193 downloads
The Nabob, Vol. 2 (of 2) Alphonse Daudet 191 downloads
Jean-Christophe in Paris: The Market-Place, Antoinette, the House Romain Rolland 190 downloads
The Lost Child François Coppée 189 downloads
The Mysteries of Paris, illustrated with etchings, Vol. 2 Eugène Sue 185 downloads
The Mysteries of Paris, illustrated with etchings, Vol. 3 Eugène Sue 184 downloads
Fata Morgana: A Romance of Art Student Life in Paris J. André Castaigne 180 downloads
The Rescue Anne Douglas Sedgwick 180 downloads
Castles in the Air Baroness Emmuska Orczy Orczy 179 downloads
Brother Jacques (Novels of Paul de Kock, Volume XVII) Paul de Kock 179 downloads
L'Immortel (French) Alphonse Daudet 177 downloads
A Chair on the Boulevard Leonard Merrick 177 downloads
Conscience — Complete Hector Malot 175 downloads
L'effrayante aventure (French) Jules Lermina 175 downloads
Les mystères de Paris, Tome III (French) Eugène Sue 174 downloads
Sapho (French) Alphonse Daudet 172 downloads
Pierre et Luce (French) Romain Rolland 172 downloads
De Ellendigen (Deel 5 van 5) (Dutch) Victor Hugo 171 downloads
The Lion's Share Arnold Bennett 171 downloads