Books about Religion and science (sorted by popularity)
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The Riddle of the Universe at the close of the nineteenth century Ernst Haeckel 671 downloads
Creation and Its Records B. H. Baden-Powell 472 downloads
Collected Essays, Volume V Thomas Henry Huxley 415 downloads
The Necessity of Atheism David Marshall Brooks 385 downloads
Natural Law in the Spiritual World Henry Drummond 363 downloads
Thoughts on Religion George John Romanes 314 downloads
The Philosophy of Natural Theology William Jackson 281 downloads
The unseen universe : or, physical speculations on a future state Balfour Stewart and Peter Guthrie Tait 266 downloads
Naturalism and Religion Rudolf Otto 250 downloads
Monism as Connecting Religion and Science Ernst Haeckel 245 downloads
The Testimony of the Rocks Hugh Miller 237 downloads
Miracles and Supernatural Religion James Morris Whiton 231 downloads
Les énigmes de l'Univers (French) Ernst Haeckel 223 downloads
The Origin of the World According to Revelation and Science Sir John William Dawson 222 downloads
The Religion of Geology and Its Connected Sciences Edward Hitchcock 220 downloads
The Freedom of Science Josef Donat 220 downloads
Lectures and Essays Thomas Henry Huxley 218 downloads
Curiosities of Heat Lyman Beecher Tefft 209 downloads
Fables of Infidelity and Facts of Faith Robert Patterson 208 downloads
Die Welträtsel: Gemeinverständliche Studien über Monistische Philosophie (German) Ernst Haeckel 199 downloads
The Mosaic History of the Creation of the World Thomas Wood 185 downloads
Catholic Churchmen in Science [First Series] James J. Walsh 184 downloads
The Neptunian, or Water Theory of Creation J. M. Woodman 183 downloads
The Relations of Science and Religion Henry Calderwood 182 downloads
Life: Its True Genesis Horatius Flaccus 182 downloads
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