Books about Friendship -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Joyous Story of Toto Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards 145 downloads
The Hill: A Romance of Friendship Horace Annesley Vachell 145 downloads
Quicksilver Sue Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards 144 downloads
Two Prisoners Thomas Nelson Page 144 downloads
Les petites filles modèles (French) comtesse de Sophie Ségur 144 downloads
The Wide Awake Girls in Winsted Katharine Ellis Barrett 144 downloads
The bracelets : or, Amiability and industry rewarded Maria Edgeworth 144 downloads
The Fur-Seal's Tooth: A Story of Alaskan Adventure Kirk Munroe 144 downloads
Billy Mink Thornton W. Burgess 144 downloads
The Girl Scouts at Camp Comalong; Or, Peg of Tamarack Hills Lilian Garis 143 downloads
Camping on the St. Lawrence; Or, On the Trail of the Early Discoverers Everett T. Tomlinson 143 downloads
Princess Polly At Play Amy Brooks 143 downloads
In the Hands of the Cave-Dwellers G. A. Henty 143 downloads
Helen Ford Jr. Horatio Alger 142 downloads
As many as touched Him Eglanton Thorne 142 downloads
Winning his game Ralph Henry Barbour 142 downloads
Adrift in the Wilds; Or, The Adventures of Two Shipwrecked Boys Edward Sylvester Ellis 142 downloads
Dab Kinzer: A Story of a Growing Boy William O. Stoddard 142 downloads
A Sailor in Spite of Himself Harry Castlemon 141 downloads
The Hawthorns Amy Walton 141 downloads
Messenger No. 48 James Otis 141 downloads
The Mystery of Lost River Canyon Harry Castlemon 140 downloads
Percy Wynn : oder ein seltsames Kind der Neuen Welt. (German) Francis J. Finn 140 downloads
The Young Woodsman; Or, Life in the Forests of Canada J. Macdonald Oxley 140 downloads
The Tale of Bunny Cotton-Tail Laura Rountree Smith 140 downloads