Books about Forests and forestry (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–8
The Training of a Forester Gifford Pinchot 230 downloads
Wood and Forest William Noyes 201 downloads
Remarks on the management, or rather, the mis-management of woods, plantations, and hedge-row timber J. West 189 downloads
The School Book of Forestry Charles Lathrop Pack 187 downloads
Forest Trees and Forest Scenery G. Frederick Schwarz 150 downloads
Forestry for Farmers B. E. Fernow 149 downloads
Eucalyptos e Acacias: Vinte annos de experiencias (Portuguese) Jaime de Magalhães Lima 126 downloads
Preservation of forests as a measure of public safety Lourenço Baeta Neves 100 downloads
Displaying results 1–8