Books about Adultery -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Return of the Native Thomas Hardy 152 downloads
After the Pardon Matilde Serao 149 downloads
Dragon's teeth : A novel from the Portuguese Eça de Queirós 148 downloads
Jenny (German) Sigrid Undset 143 downloads
A Mummer's Wife George Moore 133 downloads
Nélida; Hervé; Julien (French) Daniel Stern 125 downloads
L'Ystoire de Eurialus et Lucresse, vrays amoureux, selon pape Pie (French) Pope Pius II 120 downloads
The Golden Bowl — Volume 2 Henry James 119 downloads
Les affinités électives (French) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 116 downloads
The Golden Bowl — Volume 1 Henry James 114 downloads
One Man's View Leonard Merrick 106 downloads
Nuoren naisen kohtalo (Finnish) Theodor Fontane 98 downloads
Vaaliheimolaiset: Romaani (Finnish) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 93 downloads
Keski-ikäinen nainen (Finnish) Honoré de Balzac 75 downloads
Aaron's Rod D. H. Lawrence 59 downloads