Books about Rome (Italy) -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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The Marble Faun; Or, The Romance of Monte Beni - Volume 1 Nathaniel Hawthorne 451 downloads
Roderick Hudson Henry James 425 downloads
The Marble Faun; Or, The Romance of Monte Beni - Volume 2 Nathaniel Hawthorne 350 downloads
The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Complete Émile Zola 308 downloads
The Eternal City Sir Hall Caine 251 downloads
Rome (French) Émile Zola 244 downloads
Les Caves du Vatican (French) André Gide 227 downloads
The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Émile Zola 227 downloads
La conquista di Roma (Italian) Matilde Serao 211 downloads
Az élet kapuja : Elbeszélés (Hungarian) Ferenc Herczeg 177 downloads
De drie steden: Rome (Dutch) Émile Zola 176 downloads
Mrs. General Talboys Anthony Trollope 168 downloads
The conquest of Rome Matilde Serao 149 downloads
Sant' Ilario F. Marion Crawford 142 downloads
Roman pictures Percy Lubbock 140 downloads
The Heart of Rome: A Tale of the "Lost Water" F. Marion Crawford 136 downloads
Ikuinen kaupunki : Romaani (Finnish) Sir Hall Caine 123 downloads
Cecilia: A Story of Modern Rome F. Marion Crawford 121 downloads
Clelia: Il governo dei preti - Romanzo storico politico (Italian) Giuseppe Garibaldi 120 downloads
The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 2 Émile Zola 113 downloads
The Point of View Elinor Glyn 108 downloads
Giannella Mrs. Hugh Fraser 104 downloads
The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 1 Émile Zola 103 downloads
The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 3 Émile Zola 101 downloads
The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 5 Émile Zola 101 downloads
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