Books about Jesus Christ (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–12
Pastor Pastorum; Or, The Schooling of the Apostles by Our Lord Henry Latham 248 downloads
The First True Gentleman: A Study of the Human Nature of Our Lord Anonymous 242 downloads
The Mind of Jesus John R. Macduff 219 downloads
Jesus of Nazareth, A Biography, by John Mark 190 downloads
Christ: The Way, the Truth, and the Life John Brown 189 downloads
Jesus Fulfils the Law Anonymous 178 downloads
The Precious Name, Proofs of the Godhead, and a Hymn J. Church 147 downloads
The Jesus Problem: A Restatement of the Myth Theory J. M. Robertson 133 downloads
Two Christmas Celebrations Theodore Parker 128 downloads
Is the Morality of Jesus Sound? M. M. Mangasarian 119 downloads
Mitä on jumalanpalvelus? (Finnish) Arvid Järnefelt 97 downloads
Evankeliumin alku eli Jeesuksen syntyminen ihmisestä ja jumalasta (Finnish) Arvid Järnefelt 90 downloads
Displaying results 1–12