Books about Storytelling -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Dinner Club H. C. McNeile 149 downloads
The Mountain of Fears Henry C. Rowland 145 downloads
Time Trap Frank Belknap Long 144 downloads
Tales of the Wonder Club, Volume I M. Y. Halidom 143 downloads
Tales of Destiny Edmund Mitchell 137 downloads
Mind Worms Moses Schere 136 downloads
Around the Camp-fire Sir Charles G. D. Roberts 128 downloads
Recollections of Captain Wilkie: A Story of an Old Offender Arthur Conan Doyle 127 downloads
Told by the Colonel W. L. Alden 121 downloads
The Crater Robert Gore Browne 120 downloads
Novelleja Decameronesta (Finnish) Giovanni Boccaccio 115 downloads
Munkin häät (Finnish) Conrad Ferdinand Meyer 84 downloads
- The Story of Gombi H. De Vere Stacpoole 28 downloads