Books about Science fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Bramble Bush Alan Edward Nourse
Bramble Bush Randall Garrett
Bratton's Idea Manly Wade Wellman
Brave Walk Alone John McGreevey
Bread Overhead Fritz Leiber
Break a Leg Jim Harmon
Breakaway Stanley Gimble
Breakdown Herbert D. Kastle
Breaking Point James E. Gunn
Breathes there a man Charles E. Fritch
Breath of Beelzebub Larry Sternig
Breeder Reaction Winston K. Marks
Bride of the Dark One Florence Verbell Brown
Brides of Ool Monette Cummings
Bridge G. G. Revelle
Bridge Crossing Dave Dryfoos
Brigands of the Moon Ray Cummings
Bright Islands Frank Riley
Brightside Crossing Alan Edward Nourse
Bring Back My Brain! Dwight V. Swain
Bring the Jubilee Ward Moore
Brink of Madness Walter J. Sheldon
British Barbarians Grant Allen
Brknk's Bounty Jerry Sohl
Brood of the Dark Moon Charles Willard Diffin