Books about Science fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Chessmen of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs
Chicken Farm Ross Rocklynne
Child of the Sun Leigh Brackett
Children of the Chronotron S. J. Byrne
Children of the lens E. E. Smith
Chimera World Wilbur S. Peacock
Choice of Miracles James A. Cox
Cinderella Story Allen Kim Lang
Cinq Cents Millions De La Bégum (French) Jules Verne
Cinq Semaines En Ballon (French) Jules Verne
Circle of Confusion George O. Smith
Circle of Flight Richard Stockham
Circus Alan Edward Nourse
Citadel Algis Budrys
Citadel of Death Carl Selwyn
Citadel of Lost Ships Leigh Brackett
Citadel of the Green Death Robert Emmett McDowell
Citadel of the Star Lords Edmond Hamilton
Cities in the air Edmond Hamilton
Citizen Jell Michael Shaara
City in the Clouds Guy Thorne
City Near Centaurus William R. Doede
City of Endless Night Milo Hastings
City of the Living Flame Henry Hasse
Classified object John Victor Peterson