Books about Dakota Indians -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–17
Old Indian Days Charles A. Eastman 259 downloads
The Heritage of the Sioux B. M. Bower 235 downloads
A Daughter of the Sioux: A Tale of the Indian frontier Charles King 235 downloads
The Story of Red Feather: A Tale of the American Frontier Edward Sylvester Ellis 208 downloads
Golden Face: A Tale of the Wild West Bertram Mitford 204 downloads
The Great Sioux Trail: A Story of Mountain and Plain Joseph A. Altsheler 166 downloads
The Lost Trail Edward Sylvester Ellis 149 downloads
The Lost Trail Edward Sylvester Ellis 147 downloads
Red Cloud, the Solitary Sioux: A Story of the Great Prairie Sir William Francis Butler 137 downloads
Sioux-intiaanien kynsissä : Kertomus Texasista (Finnish) Emil von Nord 124 downloads
Tom Terror, the Outlaw James Jackson 117 downloads
Midnight Jack, or The road-agent T. C. Harbaugh 116 downloads
With Sully into the Sioux Land Joseph Mills Hanson 112 downloads
The Boy Ranger; or, The Heiress of the Golden Horn Oll Coomes 112 downloads
Dusky Dick: or, Old Toby Castor's great campaign Jos. E. Badger 112 downloads
Dead Shot; Or, The White Vulture: A Romance of the Yellowstone Albert W. Aiken 108 downloads
Old Bear-Paw, the trapper king; or, The love of a Blackfoot queen Henry M. Avery 102 downloads
Displaying results 1–17