Books about England -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
A tale of three weeks Eglanton Thorne 156 downloads
The New Girl at St. Chad's: A Story of School Life Angela Brazil 156 downloads
A little town mouse Eleanora H. Stooke 152 downloads
Guy Falconer : or, The chronicles of the old Moat House Lucy Ellen Guernsey 148 downloads
Arthur's inheritance : or, How he conquered Emma Leslie 148 downloads
Anne's terrible good nature, and other stories for children E. V. Lucas 146 downloads
Old comrades Agnes Giberne 143 downloads
Won at last : or, Mrs. Briscoe's nephews Agnes Giberne 138 downloads
Everybody's business Agnes Giberne 138 downloads
A Rough Shaking George MacDonald 135 downloads
Ralph Trulock's Christmas Roses Annette Lyster 135 downloads
Geoff's little sister Evelyn R. Garratt 134 downloads
Wings over England Roy J. Snell 134 downloads
Captain Jim Mary Grant Bruce 134 downloads
Milly's errand : or, Saved to save Emma Leslie 133 downloads
Miss Con Agnes Giberne 132 downloads
The Pit Town Coronet: A Family Mystery, Volume 1 (of 3) C. J. Wills 131 downloads
Frank Hardy's choice, and what came of it Charlotte Grace O'Brien 130 downloads
Minkie Louis Tracy 129 downloads
Five thousand pounds Agnes Giberne 129 downloads
The Heiress of Wyvern Court Emilie Searchfield 128 downloads
Teddy's Button Amy Le Feuvre 128 downloads
The Pit Town Coronet: A Family Mystery, Volume 2 (of 3) C. J. Wills 127 downloads
The gabled farm : or, young workers for the King. Catharine Shaw 126 downloads
Heedless Hetty Annette Lyster 126 downloads